Course Outline
Meeting 1 and 2
(Course Outline – This is only a guide and although we will thoroughly complete the entire curriculum, the order may change depending on the office circumstances, patient needs, and scheduling.)
COURSE OUTLINE MEETING 1 – Meeting with the Office, Staff, and Doctor
- Office walk thru by Dr. Yamada to see baseline
- Introduction to Dr. Yamada, philosophy, and outline of the 3P course
- Dr. Yamada will go over the overall general curriculum and suggest some simple modifications and
additions if needed and let the doctor and staff know what needs to be ordered for future sessions, and what forms to copy and prepare for their patients. (All paperwork for implant surgery including consent, risks, and options will be provided. Visit my YouTube channel to learn more. Here

Personal and personnel management
- What makes a TEAM? vs. What makes a great team?
- Life goals and mission for individuals and each other.
- Teddy’s Story.
- Goals and mission for the office.
- Realization exercises and assignments (distribution of your Masterkey).
- Life Card exercise.
- “Picket fence” exercise.
Office Management
- Evaluation of website and social media platforms.
- It understands each team player’s role.
***Assignment: Go back to your family members and have them redo the “picket fence” exercise for you.
- Basic bone and implant biology and physiology.
- Basic extraction and bone grafting procedure for dental implant site preparation.
- Understanding of bone grafting, why and what works as well as what to use.
- Basic Dental Implant knowledge for staff and Doctors including maintenance.
- The clinical Psychology of your patient and in particular dental implant patients and how to overcome their obstacles. What to say to have the implant patient say “yes. I want an implant”. (BIG
PRACTICE BUILDER). - Dr. Yamada will go over with the staff what supplies to order for the next meeting and what
needs to be prepared for the next series of patients.
- Dr. Yamada and the doctor will decide what dental implant system the office will be using and Dr.
Yamada will set up contact with vendors. - How to prepare and fabricate models, radiographic and surgical guides, and obtain proper radiographs for the next series of patients.
- Dr. Yamada will go over with Doctor and staff the surgical protocol, draping the patient properly, setting up the room, post-op instructions, and paperwork.
- Dr. Yamada will go over with practice a universal suture technique with the doctor on the suture board.
- Basic dental implant surgical protocol.
***Assignment: Prepare models. guides, and schedules as many extractions/bone grafts, other surgeries for implants, or pre-implants.
COURSE OUTLINE MEETING 2 – Meeting with the Office,
Staff, and Doctor
- Question and Answer.
- Review of the last meeting.
- Understanding what stress is and how it can affect us or can it
- Techniques for reducing stress long-term.
- Techniques for reducing stressful situations instantaneously.
***Assignment: Remember to use stress break techniques daily. Remember to catch yourself in real-life.

Office Management
- Recap of last meeting and progress. Pre-surgical planning for treatment of the new patients.
- Explanation of The “Call” (BIG PRACTICE BUILDER).
- Evaluation of current referral base and new patient number growth and devising a customized plan.
- Use of Virtual Assistants for cost savings as well as efficiency improvement (dependable referral given).
***Assignment: Utilize the “Call” and make a note of the result. Start on a customized new patient office growth plan. Start working with outside services, VA.

Bonus Dental Trainings
- Set up and sterilization process of surgical kit and implant inventory system
- Practice (models) implant placement utilizing a loaner kit or sales rep. kit
- Onlay bone graft procedure overview and technique
- Sinus Augmentation/bone graft procedure overview and technique both external and crystal
- Practice Sinus augmentation and a bone graft on models
- Review implant surgery protocols
- Surgical extraction and site preparation bone grafting cases/ treatment REAL PATIENT TREATMENT (one extraction in the morning and one extraction in the afternoon) with or without bone grafting
***Assignment: Prepare models, and guides, and schedule implant surgeries leaving 2 hours for each procedure for the next meeting. (Maximum 2 patients; 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon)